Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2

Proto-onkogenproteiner c-bcl-2

Engelsk definition

Membrane proteins encoded by the BCL-2 GENES and serving as potent inhibitors of cell death by APOPTOSIS. The proteins are found on mitochondrial, microsomal, and NUCLEAR MEMBRANE sites within many cell types. Overexpression of bcl-2 proteins, due to a translocation of the gene, is associated with follicular lymphoma.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Proto Oncogene Proteins c bcl 2 c-bcl-2, Proto-Oncogene Proteins bcl-2 Proto-Oncogene Proteins Proto-Oncogene Proteins, bcl-2 bcl 2 Proto Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2 Proteins c bcl 2 Proteins B-Cell Leukemia 2 Family Proteins B Cell Leukemia 2 Family Proteins BCL2 Family Proteins Family Proteins, BCL2 Proteins, BCL2 Family BCL2 Proteins Proteins, BCL2