Mineral Fibers


Svensk definition

Långa, böjliga, sammanhängande, naturliga eller konstgjorda fibrer av varierande längd. De bildar vissa minerals struktur. Deras medicinska betydelse består i deras förmåga att orsaka olika typer av dammlunga (t ex asbestos) efter arbetsmiljöexponering.

Engelsk definition

Long, pliable, cohesive natural or manufactured filaments of various lengths. They form the structure of some minerals. The medical significance lies in their potential ability to cause various types of PNEUMOCONIOSIS (e.g., ASBESTOSIS) after occupational or environmental exposure. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed, p708)

Svenska synonymer

Mineralull Syntetiska glasfibrer

Engelska synonymer

Fibers, Mineral Mineral Fiber Fiber, Mineral Synthetic Vitreous Fibers Fibers, Synthetic Vitreous Vitreous Fibers, Synthetic