Carcinoma, Lewis Lung

Lewis lungkarcinom

Svensk definition

Ett karcinom som upptäcktes av dr Margaret R. Lewis vid Wistarinstitutet 1951. Tumören utvecklades spontant som ett lungkarcinom hos en C57BL-mus. Den tycks inte vara förbunden med omfattande blödning , och merparten av tumörvävnaden består av en ganska fast, homogen massa.

Engelsk definition

A carcinoma discovered by Dr. Margaret R. Lewis of the Wistar Institute in 1951. This tumor originated spontaneously as a carcinoma of the lung of a C57BL mouse. The tumor does not appear to be grossly hemorrhagic and the majority of the tumor tissue is a semifirm homogeneous mass. (From Cancer Chemother Rep 2 1972 Nov;(3)1:325) It is also called 3LL and LLC and is used as a transplantable malignancy.

Svenska synonymer

Lungkarcinom, Lewis

Engelska synonymer

Lewis Lung Carcinoma Lung Carcinoma, Lewis