Oncogene Proteins v-erbA

Onkogenproteiner v-erbA

Engelsk definition

Transforming proteins encoded by erbA oncogenes from the avian erythroblastosis virus. They are truncated versions of c-erbA, the thyroid hormone receptor (RECEPTORS, THYROID HORMONE) that have retained both the DNA-binding and hormone-binding domains. Mutations in the hormone-binding domains abolish the transcriptional activation function. v-erbA acts as a dominant repressor of c-erbA, inducing transformation by disinhibiting proliferation.

Svenska synonymer

Onkgenproteiner v-erbA

Engelska synonymer

Oncogene Proteins v erbA Oncogene Products v-erbA Oncogene Products v erbA v-erbA Proteins v erbA Proteins erbA Oncogene Proteins