Patient Selection


Engelsk definition

Criteria and standards used for the determination of the appropriateness of the inclusion of patients with specific conditions in proposed treatment plans and the criteria used for the inclusion of subjects in various clinical trials and other research protocols.

Svenska synonymer

Patienturval Urvalskriterier Selektionskriterier Patientrekrytering Urval av deltagare Urval för behandling

Engelska synonymer

Selection, Patient Research Subject Recruitment Recruitment, Research Subject Recruitments, Research Subject Research Subject Recruitments Subject Recruitment, Research Subject Recruitments, Research Research Subject Selection Research Subject Selections Selection, Research Subject Selections, Research Subject Subject Selection, Research Subject Selections, Research Selection of Research Volunteers Research Volunteers Selection Research Volunteers Selections Volunteers Selection, Research Selection for Treatment Selection for Treatments Treatment, Selection for Treatments, Selection for Selection of Subjects Subjects Selection Subjects Selections Patient Recruitment Recruitment, Patient Selection Criteria Criteria, Selection