Codon, Nonsense


Svensk definition

Ett kodon som omvandlats till samma sekvens som ett stoppkodon (terminatorkodon) genom nonsensmutation. Det skiljer sig från ett stoppkodon genom sitt onormala uppträdande och genom att det ger upphov till för tidigt avslut i proteintranslationen, vilket leder till förekomst av trunkerade, och ev. funktionslösa, proteiner.

Engelsk definition

An amino acid-specifying codon that has been converted to a stop codon (CODON, TERMINATOR) by mutation. Its occurance is abnormal causing premature termination of protein translation and results in production of truncated and non-functional proteins. A nonsense mutation is one that converts an amino acid-specific codon to a stop codon.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Premature Termination Codon Codon, Premature Termination Codons, Premature Termination Premature Termination Codons Termination Codon, Premature Termination Codons, Premature Premature Stop Codon Codon, Premature Stop Codons, Premature Stop Premature Stop Codons Stop Codon, Premature Stop Codons, Premature Nonsense Codon Codons, Nonsense Nonsense Codons Codon, Termination, Premature Mutation, Nonsense Mutations, Nonsense Nonsense Mutations Nonsense Mutation Ochre Nonsense Codon Codon, Ochre Nonsense Codons, Ochre Nonsense Nonsense Codon, Ochre Nonsense Codons, Ochre Ochre Nonsense Codons Ochre Nonsense Mutation Mutation, Ochre Nonsense Mutations, Ochre Nonsense Nonsense Mutation, Ochre Nonsense Mutations, Ochre Ochre Nonsense Mutations Amber Nonsense Mutation Amber Nonsense Mutations Mutation, Amber Nonsense Mutations, Amber Nonsense Nonsense Mutation, Amber Nonsense Mutations, Amber Opal Nonsense Mutation Mutation, Opal Nonsense Mutations, Opal Nonsense Nonsense Mutation, Opal Nonsense Mutations, Opal Opal Nonsense Mutations Amber Nonsense Codon Amber Nonsense Codons Codon, Amber Nonsense Codons, Amber Nonsense Nonsense Codons, Amber Nonsense Codon, Amber Codon, Unassigned Codons, Unassigned Unassigned Codons Unassigned Codon Opal Nonsense Codon Codon, Opal Nonsense Codons, Opal Nonsense Nonsense Codon, Opal Nonsense Codons, Opal Opal Nonsense Codons