Hospice Care


Svensk definition

Specialiserad vård för patienter i livets slutskede. Vården har en holistisk inriktning, även omfattande juridisk, ekonomisk och andlig rådgivning, samt stöd till anhöriga i sorg. Vården kan vara förlagd till hemmet, sjukhus eller särskild vårdinrättning (hospis).

Engelsk definition

Specialized health care, supportive in nature, provided to a dying person. A holistic approach is often taken, providing patients and their families with legal, financial, emotional, or spiritual counseling in addition to meeting patients' immediate physical needs. Care may be provided in the home, in the hospital, in specialized facilities (HOSPICES), or in specially designated areas of long-term care facilities. The concept also includes bereavement care for the family. (From Dictionary of Health Services Management, 2d ed)

Svenska synonymer

Sorgvård Omvårdnad vid död och döende

Engelska synonymer

Care, Hospice Hospice Programs Hospice Program Program, Hospice Programs, Hospice Bereavement Care Care, Bereavement