Svensk definition
Proteiner kodade av polgenen hos retrovirus. De sätts ofta samman till proteinprekursormolekyler (polyproteiner) och klyvs senare till slutprodukter som omfattar omvänt transkriptas, endonukleas/integras och virusproteas. Ibland syntetiseras de som gag-pol-fusionsproteiner. pol är förkortning av polymeras (omvänt transkriptas=RNA-styrt DNA-polymeras).
Engelsk definition
Retroviral proteins coded by the pol gene. They are usually synthesized as a protein precursor (POLYPROTEINS) and later cleaved into final products that include reverse transcriptase, endonuclease/integrase, and viral protease. Sometimes they are synthesized as a gag-pol fusion protein (FUSION PROTEINS, GAG-POL). Pol is short for polymerase, the enzyme class of reverse transcriptase.
Svenska synonymer
Inga svenska synonymer finns.
Engelska synonymer
pol Protein — Protein, pol — pol Polyprotein — Polyprotein, pol — pol Polyproteins — Polyproteins, pol — Gene Product, pol — pol Gene Product — pol Gene Products