Svensk definition
Den syreförbrukningsnivå vid vilken aerob energiproduktion kompletteras med anaeroba mekanismer i samband med fysisk ansträngning. Detta leder till ökande laktatkoncentration och metabolisk acidos, vilket kan mätas med direkta mätmetoder.
Engelsk definition
The oxygen consumption level above which aerobic energy production is supplemented by anaerobic mechanisms during exercise, resulting in a sustained increase in lactate concentration and metabolic acidosis. The anaerobic threshold is affected by factors that modify oxygen delivery to the tissues; it is low in patients with heart disease. Methods of measurement include direct measure of lactate concentration, direct measurement of bicarbonate concentration, and gas exchange measurements.
Svenska synonymer
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Engelska synonymer
Anaerobic Thresholds — Threshold, Anaerobic — Thresholds, Anaerobic