

Svensk definition

Sjukdomar som smittar mellan djur och människor.

Engelsk definition

Diseases of non-human animals that may be transmitted to HUMANS or may be transmitted from humans to non-human animals.

Svenska synonymer

Zoonotiska infektioner Zoonotiska sjukdomar Zoonotiska infektionssjukdomar

Engelska synonymer

Zoonotic Diseases Diseases, Zoonotic Disease, Zoonotic Zoonotic Disease Zoonotic Infections Infections, Zoonotic Infection, Zoonotic Zoonotic Infection Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Diseases, Zoonotic Infectious Disease, Zoonotic Infectious Infectious Diseases, Zoonotic Infectious Disease, Zoonotic Zoonotic Infectious Disease Zoonotic Spillover Spillovers, Zoonotic Zoonotic Spillovers