

Svensk definition

Cyklisk (regelbunden) rörelse i en kroppsdel som antingen representerar en fysiologisk process eller utgör tecken på sjukdomstillstånd. Intentionstremor, en vanlig manifestation av sjukdom i lillhjärnan, förstärks av rörelse. Vilotremor, däremot, är som kraftigast när det inte föreligger något försök till viljerörelse och är en relativt vanlig manifestation av Parkinsons sjukdom.

Engelsk definition

Cyclical movement of a body part that can represent either a physiologic process or a manifestation of disease. Intention or action tremor, a common manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES, is aggravated by movement. In contrast, resting tremor is maximal when there is no attempt at voluntary movement, and occurs as a relatively frequent manifestation of PARKINSON DISEASE.

Svenska synonymer

Skälvning Darrning

Engelska synonymer

Tremors Intention Tremor Intention Tremors Tremor, Intention Darkness Tremor Darkness Tremors Tremor, Darkness Pill Rolling Tremor Pill Rolling Tremors Tremor, Pill Rolling Fine Tremor Fine Tremors Tremor, Fine Intermittent Tremor Intermittent Tremors Tremor, Intermittent Involuntary Quiver Involuntary Quivers Quiver, Involuntary Massive Tremor Massive Tremors Tremor, Massive Passive Tremor Passive Tremors Tremor, Passive Persistent Tremor Persistent Tremors Tremor, Persistent Resting Tremor Resting Tremors Tremor, Resting Rest Tremor Rest Tremors Tremor, Rest Tremor, Perioral Perioral Tremor Perioral Tremors Tremor, Semirhythmic Semirhythmic Tremor Semirhythmic Tremors Saturnine Tremor Saturnine Tremors Tremor, Saturnine Senile Tremor Senile Tremors Tremor, Senile Static Tremor Static Tremors Tremor, Static Tremor, Limb Limb Tremor Limb Tremors Tremor, Muscle Muscle Tremor Muscle Tremors Tremor, Neonatal Neonatal Tremor Neonatal Tremors Tremor, Nerve Nerve Tremor Nerve Tremors Action Tremor Action Tremors Tremor, Action Coarse Tremor Coarse Tremors Tremor, Coarse Continuous Tremor Continuous Tremors Tremor, Continuous