Thyroid Function Tests


Svensk definition

Blodprov som används för att utvärdera sköldkörtelns funktion.

Engelsk definition

Blood tests used to evaluate the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Function Test, Thyroid Test, Thyroid Function Thyroid Function Test Thyroid Gland Function Tests Thyrotroph Thyroid Hormone Sensitivity Index Sum Activity of Peripheral Deiodinases SPINA-GD Jostel's TSH Index Jostel TSH Index Jostel's TSH Indices Jostels TSH Index TSH Index, Jostel's Jostel's Thyrotropin Index Jostel Thyrotropin Index Jostels Thyrotropin Index Thyrotropin Index, Jostel's Protein-Bound Iodine Test Iodine Test, Protein-Bound Protein Bound Iodine Test Protein-Bound Iodine Tests Test, Protein-Bound Iodine Secretory Capacity of the Thyroid Gland SPINA-GT