

Engelsk definition

Severe or complete loss of motor function in all four limbs which may result from BRAIN DISEASES; SPINAL CORD DISEASES; PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES; NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES; or rarely MUSCULAR DISEASES. The locked-in syndrome is characterized by quadriplegia in combination with cranial muscle paralysis. Consciousness is spared and the only retained voluntary motor activity may be limited eye movements. This condition is usually caused by a lesion in the upper BRAIN STEM which injures the descending cortico-spinal and cortico-bulbar tracts.

Svenska synonymer

Spastisk tetraplegi Kvadriplegi Tetrapares

Engelska synonymer

Quadriplegias Tetraplegia Tetraplegias Quadriparesis Quadripareses Spastic Quadriplegia Quadriplegia, Spastic Quadriplegias, Spastic Spastic Quadriplegias Spastic Tetraplegia Spastic Tetraplegias Tetraplegia, Spastic Tetraplegias, Spastic Flaccid Quadriplegia Flaccid Quadriplegias Quadriplegia, Flaccid Quadriplegias, Flaccid Flaccid Tetraplegia Flaccid Tetraplegias Tetraplegia, Flaccid Tetraplegias, Flaccid Paralysis, Spinal, Quadriplegic