15-Oxoprostaglandin 13-Reductase

15-oxoprostaglandin 13-reduktas

Svensk definition

(5Z)-(15S)-11-alfahydroxy-9,15-dioxoprostanoat:NAD(P)+ delta(13)-oxidoreduktas. Ett enzym som är verksamt vid prostaglandin E och F katabolism. Det katalyserar reduktionen av dubbelbindningen i positi on 13-14 hos 15-ketoprostaglandiner och använder NADPH som kofaktor. EC

Engelsk definition

(5Z)-(15S)-11 alpha-Hydroxy-9,15-dioxoprostanoate:NAD(P)+ delta(13)-oxidoreductase. An enzyme active in prostaglandin E and F catabolism. It catalyzes the reduction of the double bond at the 13-14 position of the 15-ketoprostaglandins and uses NADPH as cofactor. EC

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

13-Reductase, 15-Oxoprostaglandin 15 Oxoprostaglandin 13 Reductase Prostaglandin delta-13-Reductase Prostaglandin delta 13 Reductase delta-13-Reductase, Prostaglandin delta 13-15-Ketoprostaglandin Reductase 13-15-Ketoprostaglandin Reductase, delta Reductase, delta 13-15-Ketoprostaglandin delta 13 15 Ketoprostaglandin Reductase 15-Ketoprostaglandin delta 13-Reductase 13-Reductase, 15-Ketoprostaglandin delta 15 Ketoprostaglandin delta 13 Reductase delta 13-Reductase, 15-Ketoprostaglandin delta-13-PG-Reductase delta 13 PG Reductase Prostaglandin-13,14-Reductase Prostaglandin 13,14 Reductase