Prospective Payment System

Prospektiva betalningssystem

Engelsk definition

A system wherein reimbursement rates are set, for a given period of time, prior to the circumstances giving rise to actual reimbursement claims.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Payment System, Prospective Payment Systems, Prospective Prospective Payment Systems System, Prospective Payment Systems, Prospective Payment Reimbursement, Prospective Prospective Reimbursement Prospective Reimbursements Reimbursements, Prospective Discretionary Adjustment Factor Adjustment Factor, Discretionary Adjustment Factors, Discretionary Discretionary Adjustment Factors Factor, Discretionary Adjustment Factors, Discretionary Adjustment Prospective Pricing Pricing, Prospective Adjustment, Discretionary Adjustments, Discretionary Discretionary Adjustment Discretionary Adjustments