Insurance, Health, Reimbursement

Återbetalning av sjukvårdsförsäkring

Svensk definition

Betalning av tredje part för en vårdgivares utgifter för sjukvårdstjänster åt en försäkrad eller förmånstagare.

Engelsk definition

Payment by a third-party payer in a sum equal to the amount expended by a health care provider or facility for health services rendered to an insured or program beneficiary. (From Facts on File Dictionary of Health Care Management, 1988)

Svenska synonymer

Betalning via tredje part

Engelska synonymer

Reimbursement, Health Insurance Third-Party Payments Payment, Third-Party Payments, Third-Party Third Party Payments Third-Party Payment Health Insurance Reimbursement Health Insurance Reimbursements Insurance Reimbursement, Health Insurance Reimbursements, Health Reimbursements, Health Insurance Third-Party Payers Payer, Third-Party Payers, Third-Party Third Party Payers Third-Party Payer