Lipoprotein Lipase


Svensk definition

Ett enzym i hydrolasklassen som katalyserar reaktionen mellan triacylglycerol och vatten till diacylglycerol och en fettsyraanjon. Enzymet hydrolyserar triacylglyceroler i kylomikroner, VLD-lipoproteiner, LD-lipoproteiner och diacylglyceroler. Det finns på ytan av kapillärt endotel, särskilt i mjölkkörtel-, muskel- och fettvävnad. Genetiskt betingad brist på enzymet ger upphov till familjär hyperlipoproteinemi typ I. EC

Engelsk definition

An enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyzes the reaction of triacylglycerol and water to yield diacylglycerol and a fatty acid anion. The enzyme hydrolyzes triacylglycerols in chylomicrons, very-low-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins, and diacylglycerols. It occurs on capillary endothelial surfaces, especially in mammary, muscle, and adipose tissue. Genetic deficiency of the enzyme causes familial hyperlipoproteinemia Type I. (Dorland, 27th ed) EC

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Lipase, Lipoprotein Diglyceride Lipase Lipase, Diglyceride Heparin-Clearing Factor Factor, Heparin-Clearing Heparin Clearing Factor Post-Heparin Lipase Lipase, Post-Heparin Post Heparin Lipase Postheparin Lipase Lipase, Postheparin Postheparin Lipoprotein Lipase Lipase, Postheparin Lipoprotein Lipoprotein Lipase, Postheparin Diacylglycerol Lipase Lipase, Diacylglycerol Lipemia-Clearing Factor Factor, Lipemia-Clearing Lipemia Clearing Factor