Phosphatidylcholine-Sterol O-Acyltransferase

Fosfatidylkolin-sterol O-acyltransferas

Svensk definition

Ett enzym som utsöndras från levern till blodplasman hos många däggdjursarter. Det katalyserar förestringen av hydroxylgruppen i lipoproteinkolesterol genom överföring av en fettsyra från lecitinets C-2-position. Vid ärftlig lecitin:kolesterolacetyltransferasbrist leder brist på enzymet till ackumulering av icke-förestrat kolesterol i blodplasman. EC

Engelsk definition

An enzyme secreted from the liver into the plasma of many mammalian species. It catalyzes the esterification of the hydroxyl group of lipoprotein cholesterol by the transfer of a fatty acid from the C-2 position of lecithin. In familial lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency disease, the absence of the enzyme results in an excess of unesterified cholesterol in plasma.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

O-Acyltransferase, Phosphatidylcholine-Sterol Phosphatidylcholine Sterol O Acyltransferase Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase Acyltransferase, Lecithin Cholesterol Cholesterol Acyltransferase, Lecithin Lecithin Acyltransferase Acyltransferase, Lecithin Cholesterol Ester Lysolecithin Acyltransferase Phosophatidylcholine-Sterol Acyltransferase Acyltransferase, Phosophatidylcholine-Sterol Phosophatidylcholine Sterol Acyltransferase