Imprinting, Psychological

Prägling (Psykologi)

Svensk definition

En speciell form av inlärning under en kort period i det tidiga livet som sker snabbt och förblir bestående. Prägling ger nästan alla de beteenden som kallas instinktiva, men begreppet används enbart deskriptivt.

Engelsk definition

A particular kind of learning characterized by occurrence in very early life, rapidity of acquisition, and relative insusceptibility to forgetting or extinction. Imprinted behavior includes most (or all) behavior commonly called instinctive, but imprinting is used purely descriptively.

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Imprintings, Psychological Psychological Imprinting Psychological Imprintings Imprinting (Psychology) Imprintings (Psychology) Imprinting, Psychology Imprintings, Psychology Psychology Imprinting Psychology Imprintings