Holistic Health

Holistisk medicin

Svensk definition

Hälsovård ur perspektivet att människor och andra organismer är helheter snarare än komplex av separata enheter.

Engelsk definition

Health as viewed from the perspective that humans function as complete, integrated units rather than as aggregates of separate parts.

Svenska synonymer

Helhetssyn Holistisk hälsa Holistisk terapi Holistisk behandling

Engelska synonymer

Health, Holistic Wholistic Health Care Care, Wholistic Health Health Care, Wholistic Wholistic Health Health, Wholistic Medicine, Holistic Holistic Medicine Medicine, Wholistic Wholistic Medicine Holistic Therapies Holistic Therapy Therapies, Holistic Therapy, Holistic Wholistic Therapies Therapies, Wholistic Therapy, Wholistic Wholistic Therapy Whole Person Health Health, Whole Person Person Health, Whole