Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy

Fuchs endoteliala dystrofi

Svensk definition

Tillstånd orsakat av förlust av endotelvävnad i den centrala hornhinnan. Det kännetecknas av utväxande endotelialt hyalin på Descemets hinna, epitelblåsor, nedsatt synförmåga och smärta.

Engelsk definition

Disorder caused by loss of endothelium of the central cornea. It is characterized by hyaline endothelial outgrowths on Descemet's membrane, epithelial blisters, reduced vision, and pain.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Dystrophy, Fuchs' Endothelial Endothelial Dystrophy, Fuchs' Fuchs Atrophy Fuchs Corneal Dystrophy Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy Fuch's Endothelial Dystrophy Dystrophy, Fuch's Endothelial Endothelial Dystrophy, Fuch's Fuch Endothelial Dystrophy Fuchs Dystrophy