Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystisk bröstsjukdom

Svensk definition

Ett kroniskt sjukdomstillstånd av tre varierande typer, från förändringar främst bestående av påväxt av fibrös vävnad och en typ som domineras av tillväxt av epitelparenkymvävnaden till en typ som kännetecknas av hyperplasi av både stroma- och epitelvävnad, och cystbildning.

Engelsk definition

A common and benign breast disease characterized by varying degree of fibrocystic changes in the breast tissue. There are three major patterns of morphological changes, including FIBROSIS, formation of CYSTS, and proliferation of glandular tissue (adenosis). The fibrocystic breast has a dense irregular, lumpy, bumpy consistency.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Breast Disease, Fibrocystic Disease, Fibrocystic Breast Mammary Dysplasia Dysplasia, Mammary Fibrocystic Disease of Breast Breast Fibrocystic Disease Fibrocystic Mastopathy Mastopathy, Fibrocystic Breast Dysplasia Dysplasia, Breast Fibrocystic Changes of Breast Breast Fibrocystic Change Breast Fibrocystic Changes Microglandular Adenosis Adenoses, Microglandular Adenosis, Microglandular Microglandular Adenoses Adenosis of Breast Breast Adenosis Chronic Cystic Mastitis Cystic Mastitis, Chronic Cystic Breast Disease Breast Disease, Cystic Disease, Cystic Breast Cystic Disease of Breast Breast Cystic Disease Breast Cystic Diseases