Dental Pulp Necrosis


Svensk definition

Vävnadsdöd i tandpulpan med eller utan bakteriell inverkan. Om nekrosen beror på ischemi med efterföljande bakterieinfektion talar man om pulpakallbrand. När nekrosen inte beror på bakterier kallas den pulpamumifiering.

Engelsk definition

Death of pulp tissue with or without bacterial invasion. When the necrosis is due to ischemia with superimposed bacterial infection, it is referred to as pulp gangrene. When the necrosis is non-bacterial in origin, it is called pulp mummification.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Dental Pulp Necroses Necroses, Dental Pulp Pulp Necroses, Dental Pulp Necrosis, Dental Pulp Necroses Pulp Necrosis Necrosis, Pulp Necroses, Pulp Necrosis, Dental Pulp Gangrene, Dental Pulp Pulp Gangrene Gangrene, Pulp Gangrenes, Pulp Pulp Gangrenes Pulp Gangrene, Dental Dental Pulp Gangrene Pulp Mummification Mummification, Pulp Mummifications, Pulp Pulp Mummifications Dental Pulp Autolysis Autolyses, Dental Pulp Dental Pulp Autolyses Pulp Autolyses, Dental Pulp Autolysis, Dental Autolysis, Dental Pulp