Centrifugation, Isopycnic

Isopyknisk centrifugering

Svensk definition

Centrifugeringsförfarande där det ämne som skall separeras sedimenterar i en gradient med samma densitet som ämnet självt. Tekniken används för rening av biologiska material som t ex proteiner, nukleinsyror, organeller eller olika celltyper.

Engelsk definition

A technique used to separate particles according to their densities in a continuous density gradient. The sample is usually mixed with a solution of known gradient materials and subjected to centrifugation. Each particle sediments to the position at which the gradient density is equal to its own. The range of the density gradient is usually greater than that of the sample particles. It is used in purifying biological materials such as proteins, nucleic acids, organelles, and cell types.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Isopycnic Centrifugation