

Svensk definition

En förening som bildas när jodättiksyra reagerar med sulfhydrylgrupper i proteiner. Det har används som slemlösande nässpray mot infektioner.

Engelsk definition

A compound formed when iodoacetic acid reacts with sulfhydryl groups in proteins. It has been used as an anti-infective nasal spray with mucolytic and expectorant action.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

S-Carboxymethylcysteine S Carboxymethylcysteine S-(Carboxymethyl)-L-cysteine 3-(Carboxymethylthio)alanine Carbocysteine, L-Isomer Carbocysteine, L Isomer L-Isomer Carbocysteine Thiodril Mukodin Mucodyne Mucodine Rhinathiol