Calorimetry, Differential Scanning

Differentiell svepkalorimetri

Svensk definition

Värmeskillnadsanalys, i vilken mätapparatens provhållare är en differentialkalorimeter som registrerar värmeskillnader oberoende av faktisk temperatur, vä rmeledningsförmåga eller andra variabler hos provet.

Engelsk definition

Differential thermal analysis in which the sample compartment of the apparatus is a differential calorimeter, allowing an exact measure of the heat of transition independent of the specific heat, thermal conductivity, and other variables of the sample.

Svenska synonymer

Mikrokalorimetri DSC

Engelska synonymer

Differential Thermal Analysis, Calorimetric Calorimetric Differential Thermal Analysis Differential Scanning Calorimetry Scanning Calorimetry, Differential