

Svensk definition

Ett värmestabilt aktivatorprotein med låg molekylvikt i ffa hjärna och hjärta. Genom kalciumjonbindning kan proteinet kopplas till cykliska nukleotidfosfodiesteraser och adenylcyklas och således utöva sin verkan. Därmed modulerar proteinet nivåerna av cykliskt AMP och cykliskt GMP.

Engelsk definition

A heat-stable, low-molecular-weight activator protein found mainly in the brain and heart. The binding of calcium ions to this protein allows this protein to bind to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and to adenyl cyclase with subsequent activation. Thereby this protein modulates cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Calcium-Dependent Regulator Calcium Dependent Regulator Calcium-Dependent Activator Protein Activator Protein, Calcium-Dependent Calcium Dependent Activator Protein Protein, Calcium-Dependent Activator Phosphodiesterase Protein Activator Activator, Phosphodiesterase Protein Protein Activator, Phosphodiesterase Phosphodiesterase Activating Factor Activating Factor, Phosphodiesterase Factor, Phosphodiesterase Activating Phosphodiesterase Activator Protein Activator Protein, Phosphodiesterase Protein, Phosphodiesterase Activator Regulator, Calcium-Dependent Regulator, Calcium Dependent Bovine Activator Protein Activator Protein, Bovine Protein, Bovine Activator Cyclic AMP-Phosphodiesterase Activator AMP-Phosphodiesterase Activator, Cyclic Activator, Cyclic AMP-Phosphodiesterase Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase Activator