Bronchial Provocation Tests

Bronkiella provokationstester

Svensk definition

Tester som innebär inandning av allergen (i form av dimma eller damm), farmakologiskt aktiva lösningar i sprejform (t ex histamin eller metakolin) eller kontrollpreparat, och därpå följande lungfunktionsanalys. Sådana tester används för diagnos av astma.

Engelsk definition

Tests involving inhalation of allergens (nebulized or in dust form), nebulized pharmacologically active solutions (e.g., histamine, methacholine), or control solutions, followed by assessment of respiratory function. These tests are used in the diagnosis of asthma.

Svenska synonymer

Allergenprovokation, bronkiell Bronkiell allergenprovokation Provokationstester, bronkiella

Engelska synonymer

Antigen Bronchial Provocation Tests Inhalation Provocation Tests Inhalation Provocation Test Provocation Test, Inhalation Provocation Tests, Inhalation Test, Inhalation Provocation Tests, Inhalation Provocation Endobronchial Challenge Tests Challenge Test, Endobronchial Challenge Tests, Endobronchial Endobronchial Challenge Test Test, Endobronchial Challenge Tests, Endobronchial Challenge Allergen Challenge, Endobronchial Allergen Challenges, Endobronchial Challenge, Endobronchial Allergen Challenges, Endobronchial Allergen Endobronchial Allergen Challenge Endobronchial Allergen Challenges Bronchial Allergen Challenge Allergen Challenge, Bronchial Allergen Challenges, Bronchial Bronchial Allergen Challenges Challenge, Bronchial Allergen Challenges, Bronchial Allergen Bronchial Challenge Tests Bronchial Challenge Test Challenge Test, Bronchial Challenge Tests, Bronchial Test, Bronchial Challenge Tests, Bronchial Challenge Allergen Bronchial Provocation Tests Provocation Tests, Bronchial Bronchial Provocation Test Provocation Test, Bronchial Test, Bronchial Provocation Tests, Bronchial Provocation