

Svensk definition

Enzymer som katalyserar exohydrolas hos 1,4-alfa-glukosidlänkar med frisättning av alfa-glykos. Brist på alfa-1,4-glykosidas kan orsaka glykogenupplagringssjukdom typ II.

Engelsk definition

Enzymes that catalyze the exohydrolysis of 1,4-alpha-glucosidic linkages with release of alpha-glucose. Deficiency of alpha-1,4-glucosidase may cause GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE TYPE II.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

alpha Glucosidases alpha-Glucosidase alpha Glucosidase Maltases Maltase Maltase-Glucoamylase Maltase Glucoamylase Neutral alpha-Glucosidase Neutral alpha Glucosidase alpha-Glucosidase, Neutral Neutral Maltase Lysosomal alpha-Glucosidase Lysosomal alpha Glucosidase alpha-Glucosidase, Lysosomal Acid Maltase