Alcohol Amnestic Disorder

Alkoholbetingad varaktig minnesstörning

Svensk definition

Mental störning med hjärnskada kännetecknad av minnesförlust, kompensatorisk fabulering, bristande uppmärksamhet och perifer neurit. Tillståndet är vanligen relaterat till alkoholism och kostbrister.

Engelsk definition

A mental disorder associated with chronic ethanol abuse (ALCOHOLISM) and nutritional deficiencies characterized by short term memory loss, confabulations, and disturbances of attention. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1139)

Svenska synonymer

Alkoholbetingad varaktig demens

Engelska synonymer

Alcohol Amnestic Disorders Amnestic Disorder, Alcohol Amnestic Psychosis, Alcohol-Induced Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Psychoses Amnestic Psychoses, Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Psychosis, Alcohol Induced Psychoses, Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Psychosis, Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder Alcohol Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Psychosis Alcohol Induced Amnestic Psychosis Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Psychosis Alcohol Induced Dysmnesic Psychosis Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Psychoses Dysmnesic Psychoses, Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Psychosis, Alcohol-Induced Psychoses, Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Psychosis, Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Syndrome Alcohol Induced Dysmnesic Syndrome Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Syndromes Dysmnesic Syndrome, Alcohol-Induced Dysmnesic Syndromes, Alcohol-Induced Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Syndrome Alcohol Induced Amnestic Syndrome Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Syndromes Amnestic Syndrome, Alcohol-Induced Amnestic Syndromes, Alcohol-Induced Alcohol Amnestic Syndrome Alcohol Amnestic Syndromes