Job Security


Svensk definition

Den anställdes grad av trygghet i att få behålla jobbet, d v s till vilken grad uppsägningar är ofrivilliga. Det primära måttet på anställningstrygghet är andelen förlorade arbetstillfällen.

Engelsk definition

The extent to which job separations are involuntary. The primary measure of job security is the rate of job loss (

Svenska synonymer

Jobbtrygghet Anställningsskydd

Engelska synonymer

Job Securities Employment Security Employment Securities Security, Employment Employment Insecurity Employment Insecurities Insecurity, Employment Marginal Employment Employment, Marginal Job Insecurity Insecurity, Job Job Insecurities Precarious Employment Employment, Precarious Job Stability Job Stabilities Stability, Job Employment Retention Employment Retentions Retention, Employment Job Tenure Job Tenures Tenure, Job Employment Tenure Employment Tenures Tenure, Employment Employment Stability Employment Stabilities Stability, Employment Job Retention Retention, Job