Livedoid Vasculopathy

Engelsk definition

A rare cutaneous thrombotic disease due to occlusion of dermal vessels. It is characterized by purpuric maculae and ulcerations especially during summer which form scars called atrophie blanche. It is more associated with other syndromes (e.g., PROTEIN C DEFICIENCY; HYPERHOMOCYSTEINEMIA). Livedo reticularis with systemic involvement and stroke is SNEDDON SYNDROME.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Livedoid Vasculopathies Vasculopathy, Livedoid Livedoid Vasculitis Vasculitis, Livedoid Livedo Reticularis with Summer Ulceration Idiopathic Atrophic Blanche Atrophic Blanche, Idiopathic Blanches, Idiopathic Atrophic White Atrophy Livedo Vasculitis Livedo Vasculitides Vasculitis, Livedo