Parapharyngeal Space

Parafaryngeala rummet

Engelsk definition

The deep neck space near the PHARYNX located anterior to the ptyergomandibular raphe, posterior to the prevertebral fascia, inferior to the SKULL BASE, and superior to the HYOID BONE. Prestyloid parapharyngeal space contains cranial nerves IX, X, XI, XII and internal JUGULAR VEIN and internal CAROTID ARTERY. Poststyloid parapharyngeal space contains AURICULARTEMPORAL NERVE and MAXILLARY ARTERY and ascending pharyngeal artery.

Svenska synonymer

Parafaryngeala spatiet

Engelska synonymer

Pharyngomaxillary Space Lateral Pharyngeal Space Pharyngeal Space, Lateral Poststyloid Compartment Poststyloid Parapharyngeal Space Parapharyngeal Space, Poststyloid Carotid Space Post-styloid Parapharyngeal Space Parapharyngeal Space, Post-styloid Post styloid Parapharyngeal Space Poststyloid Compartment of the Parapharyngeal Space Post-styloid Compartment Post styloid Compartment Prestyloid Compartment Pre-styloid Compartment Pre styloid Compartment Prestyloid Parapharyngeal Space Parapharyngeal Space, Prestyloid Prestyloid Compartment of the Parapharyngeal Space