Engelsk definition
A RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN which plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and embryonic brain development. Diseases associated with RPL10 mutations include Mental Retardation, X-Linked, Syndromic, 35 and Autism X-Linked 5.
A RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN which plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and embryonic brain development. Diseases associated with RPL10 mutations include Mental Retardation, X-Linked, Syndromic, 35 and Autism X-Linked 5.
QM proteiner — QM tumörsuppressorprotein — L10 ribosomalprotein
L10, Ribosomal Protein — Protein L10, Ribosomal — QM Protein — Protein, QM — Proteins, QM — QM Proteins — QM Tumor Suppressor Protein — Tumor Suppressor QM — QM, Tumor Suppressor — QMs, Tumor Suppressor — Suppressor QM, Tumor — 60S Ribosomal Protein L10 — L10 Ribosomal Protein — Protein, L10 Ribosomal — Proteins, L10 Ribosomal — Ribosomal Protein, L10 — Ribosomal Proteins, L10