Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets

Proto-onkogenproteiner c-ets

Engelsk definition

A family of transcription factors that share a unique DNA-binding domain. The name derives from viral oncogene-derived protein oncogene protein v-ets of the AVIAN ERYTHROBLASTOSIS VIRUS.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Proto Oncogene Proteins c ets c-ets, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets Proto-Oncogene Protein Protein, c-ets Proto-Oncogene Proto-Oncogene Protein, c-ets c ets Proto Oncogene Protein c-ets Protein c ets Protein ets Proto-Oncogene Protein Protein, ets Proto-Oncogene Proto-Oncogene Protein, ets ets Proto Oncogene Protein c-ets Proto-Oncogene Proteins Proto-Oncogene Proteins, c-ets c ets Proto Oncogene Proteins ets Proto-Oncogene Proteins Proto-Oncogene Proteins, ets ets Proto Oncogene Proteins ets Transcription Factors Transcription Factors, ets ets Transcription Factor Factor, ets Transcription Transcription Factor, ets Proto-Oncogene Protein ets Proto Oncogene Protein ets