Massive Hepatic Necrosis

Massiv levernekros

Svensk definition

Omfattande och snabb parenkymcelldöd i levern, ofta efter exponering för giftiga ämnen. Tillståndet kännetecknas av mjuk, sladdrig, gulbrun, skrynklig och skrumpen lever, och har kallats akut, gul atrofi.

Engelsk definition

Extensive and rapid death of parenchymal cells in the LIVER, often due to exposure to toxic materials or drug-induced injury. It is characterized by a soft, flabby, yellow-brown wrinkled, and shrunken liver. It was called "acute yellow atrophy".

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Hepatic Necrosis, Massive Acute Yellow Atrophy of Liver Acute Yellow Atrophy Acute Yellow Atrophies Yellow Atrophy, Acute Drug-induced Hepatic Necrosis Drug induced Hepatic Necrosis Drug-induced Hepatic Necroses Hepatic Necrosis, Drug-induced Necrosis, Drug-induced Hepatic Fulminant Hepatitis Hepatitis, Fulminant Fulminant Hepatitides Submassive Hepatic Necrosis Hepatic Necrosis, Submassive Necrosis, Submassive Hepatic Submassive Hepatic Necroses