Asian People


Engelsk definition

Persons having origins in any of the Asian racial groups of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Note that OMB category ASIAN is available for United States population groups. Race and ethnicity terms, as used in the federal government, are self-identified social construct and may include terms outdated and offensive in MeSH to assist users who are interested in retrieving comprehensive search results for studies such as in longitudinal studies.

Svenska synonymer

Japaner Kineser Koreaner Asiens urbefolkning Mongoler Vietnameser Kambodjaner Burmeser Asiens ursprungsbefolkning

Engelska synonymer

Asian Peoples People, Asian Asian Person Asian Persons Person, Asian Mongoloid Race Mongoloid Races Race, Mongoloid Asiatic Race Asiatic Races Race, Asiatic Asian Continental Ancestry Group