After-Hours Care

Vård efter mottagningstid

Svensk definition

Vård efter ordinarie mottagnigstid.Täckning är vanligtvist 24 timmar per dygn och 365 dagar per år och avser akutvård, triage, barnsjukvård eller vård på hospis.

Engelsk definition

Medical care provided after the regular daily practice schedule of the physicians. Usually it is designed to deliver 24-hour-a-day and 365 day-a-year patient care coverage for emergencies, triage, pediatric care, and hospice care.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

After Hours Care Out-of-Hours Medical Care Medical Care, Out-of-Hours Out of Hours Medical Care Practitioner Cooperative Cooperatives, Practitioner Practitioner Cooperatives