Nuclear Cap-Binding Protein Complex


Svensk definition

Ett heterodimert proteinkomplex av RNA-hättebindande proteiner som med hög affinitet binder till 5'-mRNA-hättan i cellkärnan. Komplexet innehåller två underenheter, en med molekylvikten 80 kDa och en med 20 kDa.

Engelsk definition

A heterodimeric protein complex of RNA cap-binding proteins, which binds with high affinity to the 5' MRNA CAP STRUCTURE in the CELL NUCLEUS. The complex contains two subunits, one of 80-kDa molecular weight and another of 20-kDa molecular weight.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Nuclear Cap Binding Protein Complex Cap-Binding Protein Complex, Nuclear Cap Binding Protein Complex, Nuclear Nuclear Cap Binding Protein Subunit 1, 80-kDa Nuclear Cap Binding Protein Subunit 1, 80 kDa Nuclear Cap Binding Protein, 80-kDa Nuclear Cap Binding Protein, 80 kDa NCBP1 Protein Cap-Binding Complex 80-kDa protein Cap Binding Complex 80 kDa protein CBP80 Protein Nuclear Cap Binding Protein Subunit 2, 20-kDa Nuclear Cap Binding Protein Subunit 2, 20 kDa CBP20 Protein NCBP2 Protein CAF20 Gene Product