Follistatin-Related Proteins

Follistatinliknande proteiner

Svensk definition

Utbredda glykoproteiner som är homologa med det aktivinbindande proteinet follistatin. Ett antal gener kodar för dessa follistatinliknande proteiner.

Engelsk definition

Broadly distributed glycoproteins that are homologous to the activin-binding protein, FOLLISTATIN. These follistatin-related proteins are encoded by a number of genes.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Follistatin Related Proteins Follistatin-Like Protein 1 Follistatin Like Protein 1 Follistatin-Related Protein 1 Follistatin Related Protein 1 FSTL1 Gene Product Follistatin-Like Protein 3 Follistatin Like Protein 3 FLRG Protein Follistatin Secreted Related Protein FSTL3 Gene Product Follistatin-Like Secreted Glycoprotein Follistatin Like Secreted Glycoprotein