

Svensk definition

En grupp animala lektiner som specifikt binder till beta-galaktosid, oberoende av kalcium. Medlemmarna i denna klass skiljer sig från andra lektiner genom att ha en bevarad domän för kolhydratigenkänning. Flertalet proteiner i denna klass binder till sockermolekyler på ett sulfhydrylberoende sätt och benämns S(-typ)-lektiner, men denna egenskap är inte nödvändig för att ingå i klassen.

Engelsk definition

A class of animal lectins that bind specifically to beta-galactoside in a calcium-independent manner. Members of this class are distiguished from other lectins by the presence of a conserved carbohydrate recognition domain. The majority of proteins in this class bind to sugar molecules in a sulfhydryl-dependent manner and are often referred to as S-type lectins, however this property is not required for membership in this class.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

beta-Galactoside Binding Lectin Binding Lectin, beta-Galactoside Lectin, beta-Galactoside Binding beta Galactoside Binding Lectin D-Galactoside-Binding Lectin D Galactoside Binding Lectin Lectin, D-Galactoside-Binding S-Type Lectins S Type Lectins Galaptins Galectin Lectins, S-Type Lectins, S Type S-Type Lectin Lectin, S-Type S Type Lectin beta-D-Galactosyl-Specific Lectin Lectin, beta-D-Galactosyl-Specific beta D Galactosyl Specific Lectin Galactose-Binding Lectin Galactose Binding Lectin Lectin, Galactose-Binding beta-D-Gal(1-3)D-GalNAc Specific Lectins