Antifreeze Proteins


Svensk definition

Proteiner som binder till is och modifierar iskristallernas tillväxt. De har en frostskyddande roll hos en rad olika organismer.

Engelsk definition

Proteins that bind to ice and modify the growth of ice crystals. They perform a cryoprotective role in a variety of organisms.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Proteins, Antifreeze Thermal Hysteresis Protein Hysteresis Protein, Thermal Protein, Thermal Hysteresis Antifreeze Peptides Peptides, Antifreeze Thermal Hysteresis Proteins Hysteresis Proteins, Thermal Proteins, Thermal Hysteresis Antifreeze Protein Protein, Antifreeze Antifreeze Peptide Peptide, Antifreeze Antifreeze Glycoproteins Glycoproteins, Antifreeze Antifreeze Glycopeptides Glycopeptides, Antifreeze Antifreeze Glycopeptide Glycopeptide, Antifreeze AFGP Antifreeze Glycoprotein Glycoprotein, Antifreeze