Oncogene Proteins v-sis

Onkogenproteiner v-sis

Engelsk definition

Transforming proteins coded by sis oncogenes. Transformation of cells by v-sis is related to its interaction with the PDGF receptor and also its ability to alter other transcription factors.

Svenska synonymer

Onkgenproteiner v-sis

Engelska synonymer

Oncogene Proteins v sis v-sis, Oncogene Proteins Oncogene Products v-sis Oncogene Products v sis v-sis, Oncogene Products Oncogene Protein p28(v-sis) sis Oncogene Proteins Oncogene Proteins, sis v-sis Proteins Proteins, v-sis v sis Proteins Oncogene Proteins sis sis, Oncogene Proteins p28(v-sis)