Prostheses and Implants

Proteser och implantat

Engelsk definition

Artificial substitutes for body parts, and materials inserted into tissue for functional, cosmetic, or therapeutic purposes. Prostheses can be functional, as in the case of artificial arms and legs, or cosmetic, as in the case of an artificial eye. Implants, all surgically inserted or grafted into the body, tend to be used therapeutically. IMPLANTS, EXPERIMENTAL is available for those used experimentally.

Svenska synonymer

Artificiella implantat Konstgjorda implantat Endoproteser Proteser

Engelska synonymer

Implants and Prostheses Prosthetic Implants Prostheses and Implant Implant and Prostheses Prosthetic Implant Implant, Prosthetic Implants, Prosthetic Endoprosthesis Endoprostheses Prostheses Prosthesis Implants, Artificial Artificial Implant Artificial Implants Implant, Artificial