Bone-Anchored Prosthesis

Benförankrad protes

Engelsk definition

A prosthesis designed to attach directly to the bone via fixtures implanted into the bone rather than a socket.

Svenska synonymer

Benförankrat implantat Benförankrad amputationprotes Osseointegrerat implantat

Engelska synonymer

Bone Anchored Prosthesis Bone-Anchored Prostheses Prostheses, Bone-Anchored Prosthesis, Bone-Anchored Osseo-Anchored Prosthesis Osseo Anchored Prosthesis Osseo-Anchored Prostheses Prostheses, Osseo-Anchored Prosthesis, Osseo-Anchored Bone-Anchored Implants Bone Anchored Implants Bone-Anchored Implant Implant, Bone-Anchored Bone Anchored Devices Bone Anchored Device Device, Bone Anchored Osseointegrated Implants Implant, Osseointegrated Osseointegrated Implant Osseo-Integrated Implants Implant, Osseo-Integrated Osseo Integrated Implants Osseo-Integrated Implant Bone-Anchored Amputation Prosthesis Amputation Prostheses, Bone-Anchored Amputation Prosthesis, Bone-Anchored Bone Anchored Amputation Prosthesis Bone-Anchored Amputation Prostheses Prosthesis, Bone-Anchored Amputation Intraosseous Transcutaneous Amputation Prosthesis