

Svensk definition

En filosofisk riktning och en av huvudprinciperna i den medicinska filosofin i antikens Grekland och Rom. Denna skola utvecklades i Alexandria mellan 270 och 220 f. Kr. och var den enda framgångsrika återupplivningen av Hippocrates grundteser. Empirikernas tre hörnstenar var dels deras egna tillfälliga iakkttagelser (egen erfarenhet), dels lärdom av andra, samtidiga eller tidigare observatörer (andras erfarenhet), dels-i fråga om nya sjukdomar-slutsatser av iakttagelser av liknande sjukdomar (analogi). Empirismen fortlevde ända fram till 1800-talet.

Engelsk definition

One of the principal schools of medical philosophy in ancient Greece and Rome. It developed in Alexandria between 270 and 220 B.C., the only one to have any success in reviving the essentials of the Hippocratic concept. The Empiricists declared that the search for ultimate causes of phenomena was vain, but they were active in endeavoring to discover immediate causes. The "tripod of the Empirics" was their own chance observations (experience), learning obtained from contemporaries and predecessors (experience of others), and, in the case of new diseases, the formation of conclusions from other diseases which they resembled (analogy). Empiricism enjoyed sporadic continuing popularity in later centuries up to the nineteenth. (From Castiglioni, A History of Medicine, 2d ed, p186; Dr. James H. Cassedy, NLM History of Medicine Division)

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