Dental Implants, Single-Tooth


Svensk definition

Vanligtvis alloplastiska detaljer som opereras in i eller på käkbenet som stöd åt en enda protetisk tand, antingen som stödtand eller som kosmetisk korrigering för en saknad tand.

Engelsk definition

Devices, usually alloplastic, surgically inserted into or onto the jawbone, which support a single prosthetic tooth and serve either as abutments or as cosmetic replacements for missing teeth.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Dental Implants, Single Tooth Implant, Single-Tooth Dental Implant, Single Tooth Dental Implants, Single-Tooth Dental Implants, Single Tooth Dental Single-Tooth Implants Implant, Single-Tooth Implants, Single-Tooth Single Tooth Implants Single-Tooth Implant Single-Tooth Dental Implants Single Tooth Dental Implants Dental Implant, Single-Tooth Dental Implant, Single Tooth Single-Tooth Dental Implant Single Tooth Dental Implant