Oral Ulcer

Orala ulcerationer

Engelsk definition

A loss of mucous substance of the mouth showing local excavation of the surface, resulting from the sloughing of inflammatory necrotic tissue. It is the result of a variety of causes, e.g., denture irritation, aphthous stomatitis (STOMATITIS, APHTHOUS); NOMA; necrotizing gingivitis (GINGIVITIS, NECROTIZING ULCERATIVE); TOOTHBRUSHING; and various irritants. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p842)

Svenska synonymer

Orala sår

Engelska synonymer

Oral Ulcers Ulcer, Oral Ulcers, Oral Mouth Ulcer Mouth Ulcers Ulcer, Mouth Ulcers, Mouth