Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte

Epitoper, T-lymfocyt

Svensk definition

Antigena determinanter som känns igen av och binds till T-cellreceptorn. Epitoper som känns igen av T-cellreceptorer sitter ofta inuti antigenet och blir tillgängliga för receptorerna först sedan antigenet luckrats upp genom proteolys.

Engelsk definition

Antigenic determinants recognized and bound by the T-cell receptor. Epitopes recognized by the T-cell receptor are often located in the inner, unexposed side of the antigen, and become accessible to the T-cell receptors after proteolytic processing of the antigen.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Epitopes, T Lymphocyte T-Cell Epitopes Epitopes, T-Cell T Cell Epitopes T-Lymphocyte Epitopes T Lymphocyte Epitopes T-Cell Epitope Epitope, T-Cell T Cell Epitope T-Lymphocyte Epitope Epitope, T-Lymphocyte T Lymphocyte Epitope