Early Intervention, Educational

Tidig pedagogisk intervention

Svensk definition

Åtgärder och utbildningsprogram för förbättrad utveckling och inlärningsförmåga hos barn och ungdomar som har handikapp, som är i riskzonen för att utveckla handikapp eller som har speciell begåvning. Hit hör t ex program som utformats för att förhindra handikappande tillstånd hos barn och familjebaserade program som utformats för att påverka funktionsförmågan hos barn med speciella behov.

Engelsk definition

Procedures and programs that facilitate the development or skill acquisition in infants and young children who have disabilities, who are at risk for developing disabilities, or who are gifted. It includes programs that are designed to prevent handicapping conditions in infants and young children and family-centered programs designed to affect the functioning of infants and children with special needs. (From Journal of Early Intervention, Editorial, 1989, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 3; A Discursive Dictionary of Health Care, prepared for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 1976)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Educational Early Intervention Intervention, Educational Early Early Intervention (Education) Intervention, Early (Education) Early Intervention, Education Education Early Intervention Intervention, Education Early Early Intervention Education Education, Early Intervention Intervention Education, Early Head Start Program Head Start Programs Program, Head Start